Technology Department

Welcome to the Silver Creek CSD Technology Department. Our goal within the Technology Department is to ensure that technology, as a tool in learning, is effective and productive. We strive to create, maintain, and support an environment that promotes curiosity, collaboration, and experimentation. By identifying the expectations, goals and stills of all stakeholders, we can offer modern solutions for specific needs while educating and preparing students for a technological, data-driven world.
With greater access to technology comes increased responsibility on the part of the user. Working on an online service provided by the district is the same as working within the district itself. The district Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) governs the use of all district systems and online services and should be followed at all times during their use. Violations of the AUP will be appropriately addressed by school building administration and also can result in revocation of access to these services.
Instructional Technology Vision Statement
Silver Creek CSD's Instructional Technology Plan, required by Commissioner's Regulation 100.12, will support the mission of the New York State Board of Regents, which is to ensure that every child has equitable access to the highest quality educational opportunities, services and supports in schools that provide effective instruction aligned to the state's standards, as well as positive learning environments so that each child is prepared for success in college, career and citizenship.
Technology Integrators
Josh Sadler, HS/MS Technology Integrator and Computer Science Teacher
Tom McMullen, Elementary Technology Integrator and Teaching Assistant