
Black Knights  soccer practice

Athletic Director Sean Helmer


Students of Silver Creek Central School District can register for sports by clicking here.


Team schedules, locations and times by team are listed via Arbiter Live here.

Video Links for Games & Matches

* Live streams start approximately 15 minutes before scheduled start times.

Athletic Code & Contract

Your son/daughter is a candidate for the privilege of participating in the Silver Creek Central School District athletic program. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, not a right. In order to participate, the Board of Education, administration, faculty and coaching staff expect that a student will abide by the eligibility procedures outlined.

At Silver Creek we believe that athletics are an important part of the student’s educational experience. As worthwhile as athletics are they must not take precedence over a student’s scholastic and citizenship responsibilities. Successful participation in activities outside of the regular school day requires an extra measure of time, energy and commitment on the part of the student and his/her parents.

Students must demonstrate appropriate maturity in terms of being in control of them-selves at all times. As role models and representatives of our school community, sport participants have an extra level of responsibility. We urge parents and students to seriously discuss the impact of the extra time and energy required to participate sports activities as well as the eligibility rules athletes must follow to remain eligible for participation.

Sportsmanship is possessing, practicing and demonstrating the skills of a sportsman; honesty, being fair-minded, having knowledge of rules, respecting rules and officials, demonstrating self-control, recognizing good play, treating others and all situations in a manner you would expect to be treated, and accepting victory with grace and defeat with dignity.
We believe that sportsmanship reflects the following ideals, attitudes and values:
A. A genuine interest in and enjoyment of interscholastic competition.
B. An understanding that interscholastic competition exists as a part of education.
C. Respect for one's school and community, its reputation and traditions.
D. Respect for one's opponents, their school and community, including its cultural and ethnic makeup.
E. An understanding and respect for the rules of the game and for those responsible for implementing them.
F. Readiness to participate regardless of one's role in a constructive and contributing fashion.

*Adopted 1992, Section VI, Athletic Council.

Athletic Code Update as of July 2014

Academic Achievement Policy

Athletics & Extra-curricular Activities – Academic Standards – revised policy #6344 adopted 7/3/01

Participation in extra-curricular activities and athletics is a part of the school curriculum and school life. Participation in extra-curricular activities and athletics helps in the development of character, personality and overall well being of a student.

While participation in such activities is valuable, it should not interfere with a student being able to achieve at least a minimum level of academic performance. It is understood that there needs to be an appropriate balance between academic achievement and participation in athletics and or extra-curricular activities. Continual progress towards passing graduation requirements is essential and, therefore, is afforded the highest priority by the District.

The Academic Standard
Students should continually be making academic progress toward passing the required courses needed for graduation. A failing grade at any point in time is cause for concern. Students and parents should continually monitor progress to assure that at least minimum requirements are being met.

Academic Review
All students who are registered as a participant in interscholastic athletics (9-12) (includes selective classification athletes) or extra-curricular activities (9-12) shall have their grades reviewed by school administrative personnel during a five week review cycle which shall coincide with the marking periods. Any student who is participating in athletics or extra-curricular activities and is failing two or more subject will receive an academic review warning notice. Any student who is participating in athletics or extra-curricular activities and is failing two or more subjects will be put on academic review. A student who fails one subject may voluntarily opt to participate in the Academic Learning Center, provided that it is at a full level of participation as if a mandated student.

Students failing two subjects and placed on academic review must select one of the following options:

1) Being removed from participation in athletics or extra-curricular activities until qualification is restored during the next review cycle. (five weeks)

2) Attending the Academic Learning Center (ALC) or receiving academic help from a teacher 9th period, until the next review cycle and complying with all the ALC requirements. Students that show improvements in their academics will be reviewed by the ALC committee. The committee may recommend an extension of the ALC program with the student continuing full participation.

Academic Learning Center (ALC)
The ALC shall take place Monday through Thursday during the 9th period. Once assigned to the ALC, students shall continue to attend, while remaining a participant in athletics or extra-curricular activities or until such time as excused by the principal. Students who opt to attend the ALC but fail to meet the ALC requirements, such as attendance, behavior, and attending to academic work, will automatically be removed from participation in athletics or extra-curricular activities.

* A student failing two subjects must show quantitative academic growth for the second five week reporting period in order to continue to participate in contests, and formal activities. Student's may still practice if they continue to attend the ALC program.

*A student failing more than two subjects for a second five week reporting period (and does not show quantitative progress) may continue to practice (providing that they continue to receive help 9th period), but will not be permitted to participate in their contests or formal activity.

Middle School Academic & Behavior Expectations

Middle School Sports Participation Agreement 

Modified sports are a great opportunity and privilege for Silver Creek Middle School students.  To keep this privilege, there are a few expectations that need to be followed.  Students and parent/guardian(s) of students playing modified sports should read and fully understand the expectations below, as practice and play privileges will be revoked if any of the expectations are not followed.    

After School Supervision: 

  • There is no staying after school without adult supervision. From 2:30 – 3:00 p.m., you may stay with a teacher/club or your coach (if your coach is on campus). 

  • After 3:00 p.m., you must either be: At practice, with your coach, at Homework Table, or leave the building then return if your coach is not staying in the building to supervise you.

  • Students found anywhere on campus without supervision may face consequences such as loss of practice/game time, or other consequences.  

 Academic Probation (failing two or more classes):  

  • You will be required to stay with those teachers for whom you have failing grades M-R between 2:30 and 3:00 throughout the season.  

  • 1st two weeks of failing grades are a grace period (may still practice & play).
    After the first two weeks:

  • if you are still failing classes, but you have improved, you must still stay with that teacher, and you may practice, but not play​.  

  • if you are now passing your classes, you may return to practice & play​. 

  • 2nd two weeks of failing grades, you will not be allowed to practice or play and must still stay with your teachers of the classes you are failing. 

  • After this second two weeks, if you are still failing, you will be removed from the team. 


Athletics Resources

Coaching Resources & Forms

Coaches: Please fill out this Return to Play Checklist completely and return to the nurse prior to returning an athlete to competition.

Concussion Management Law & Health Regulations

The New York State Education Department has released the Guidance Documents pertaining to compliance with the Concussion Management Law that took effect July 1, 2012. All information can be accessed at

Student Parent Concussion Information

NYS DOH Concussion Management information

SUMMARY Concussion Management and Awareness Act