CDEP Update 2015

The team members for the SCCS Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP) met this past summer to assess the District’s progress. The committee created new goals for 2015-2016 school year based off the District goals. The CDEP goals are as follows:

1. The graduation rate, both District and High School, will increase by 2% from June 2015 to June 2016.

2. Character education programs will continue to be infused into the culture and climate of the District as measured by student achievement, social/emotional indicators and other data.

3. The District will implement additional ways to engage families in the school community.

The Common Core State Standards in ELA, Math and Technical Subjects (Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Library and Physical Education) have set a clear bar of expectations. As a result, data-driven instruction is needed to scaffold student achievement to meet these standards.

The CDEP committee and Board of Education think the district needs to continue working as a District to improve our graduation rate.

The committee believes the Character Education goal needs to continue to focus on the positive indicators of positive progress, instead of just negative indicators such as the number of discipline referrals.

Building principals and their school-based teams play an important role in the implementation of CDEP. Each is responsible for developing a Comprehensive School Education Plan (CSEP) that works for the District plan to bring the initiatives approved by the District to each building. This planning helps to focus the time and efforts of all school faculty and staff as they work to improve the educational outcomes of each student.

The team met in August to review the District’s 2015 New York State test results and to hear a review of the CSEP plans from each building for the year 2014-2015. Our next meeting is scheduled in February to review the progress of the elementary, middle school and high school 2015-2016 CSEP plans. 

Questions about membership on the team or about the team's work can be directed to Superintendent Todd Crandall at (716) 934-2603, ext.1900.